Tree growth regulators are chemicals applied to the soil adjacent to a tree or stem that control the growth of trees or shrubs. This technology was developed in the 1970’s and 80’s and has become an increasingly popular way to manage tree growth, particularly in commercial and urban landscapes.
While tree growth regulators don’t stop growth, they do slow growth significantly for about two to three years. Managing tree growth has a variety of benefits:
- Increased Safety – Tree pruning is inherently an incredibly dangerous job. Combining machinery (like saw and chippers) overhead wires and tree crews is a challenging task, even for highly trained tree care workers. Utilizing tree growth regulators means less tree pruning, which means fewer potential accidents.
- Improved Tree Health – Trees treated with a growth regulator produce the same amount of energy as a non-treated tree, but they use that energy differently. Instead of focusing on vegetative growth, treated trees will develop better resistance to pest and fungal exposure, enhanced root growth, carbohydrate storage and increased chlorophyll production (greener leaves.)
- Reduced Water Stress – Enhanced fibrous root growth means the treated tree has the ability to absorb more water. If a tree is located in an area with compacted soils (like a parking lot) improved water retention can make a huge difference to the amount of water needed to keep a tree in healthy condition. In addition, trees that grow more slowly require less water in general.
- Reduce Sidewalk Damage – Trees are often planted very close to sidewalks and driveways. As trees grow at normal rates, they can produce woody roots that will lift, crack and damage sidewalks and driveways. This damage can lead to trips and falls. Controlling the growth of trees can minimize this damage and resulting risks.
- Building Interference – When large trees are planted too close to buildings, conflicts occur. Using a tree growth regulator is less expensive and less invasive than pruning or tree removal.

Photos courtesy of Rainbow ECOSCIENCE
Tree growth regulators are applied or injected into the soil immediately adjacent to the stem or trunk. The growth regulator is then absorbed and translocated throughout the crown. It is highly recommended that growth regulators be applied by an experienced and certified pesticide applicator who is familiar with the technology and the identification of woody plants.
Atlas arborists can create a program specifically designed for your soils, your trees and your landscape. Contact the experts at Atlas Tree Service about tree growth regulators and Plant Health Care Services today, and enjoy your vibrant, healthy landscape in the future.